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Monthly Archives: June 2011

Time flies

I have less than three weeks here in California before I move on to my next internship. It continues to be a beautiful time here, where I keep meeting wonderful people who I want to have daily adventures with in this lovely city in this lovely state. It struck me at the beginning of this […]


More on the Masters

I realize that I may have been a bit too harsh on my MELP summer decision in my last post.  Good things, both academically and personally, came out of that summer, and for those who have weighed the pros and cons, it can be a great educational and professional investment. Although, like many of my […]

First legal internship

Hello everyone- I am just going to come out and say it: I wish I had done a legal internship after my first year of law school.  It seems pretty clear, especially as I reconsider whether I will finish my MELP, that interning would have been a better use of my time (and less expensive). […]

D-I-Y (bubble burst)

A legal education is a solid foundation.  Unfortunately, the paper, degrees and letters behind your name are not enough to overcome the world. Just between us, a legal education is more like a framework, in that it allows a complicated thing to seem more streamlined because it provides a specific lens through which the world […]